Wednesday 26 March 2008

Well, it has finally happened!

What has, you unwisely ask?

I, a dyed in the wool, confirmed plank flier, have bought an electric helicopter! I can hear the gasps of horror from here! And I don’t even have the decency to remain firmly in the closet!

I guess it had to happen. When I started to think of RC flying I, looked at helis first. I even bought a book on building my own. That was after all, the option of the time!

No ARF then. In fact if you didn’t have serious engineering skill coupled to a bull terrier like single mindedness, model helicopters were not to be contemplated in any way.

And then, once you had built the *^%££££££ thing, you had to fly it! This was not for the faint hearted. No computer radios, no tail control gyros, if it flew, it did so because you controlled it yourself. And there were no simulators to practice on first either! If it crashed, you, and you alone, remade all the bits that got broken, no trip to the local with plastic in hand for spares.

Though I fitted the profile, I (wisely??) decided that I wanted to fly, not spend all my time making complex bits. (I did that at work anyway, and was looking for something different)

So I went fixed wing. And had great fun I might add – still am in fact!

But for all that, the urge lurked, and here I am with an E-Sky Honey Bee King 2 on order. And lets not have any snide comments about second childhood either!

While I will comment here about my journey from time to time, (Usually probably *.*%$££££!!) I intend to include some pages on my site detailing the whole trip. While The Radio Controlled Airplane implies, and is indeed about fixed wing, most readers will hanker after a heli at some stage, so I figure that the information will be useful.

The first page is My Electric Helicopter Happening. Visit it and see how I get on!

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